A couple of days ago, I took a little solo-adventure around ChCh, like I did so many times before. I wandered around ChCh accepting the fact that I'd look like a crazy tourist and I didn't even care. I got some goofy souvenirs and t-shirts that I always wanted...Just you wait :-P I'll be so kiwi back home.
When I was done single-handedly reversing New Zealand's economic issues, I sat with a big juicy Kebab from favorite Syrian stand and enjoyed a rare sighting of a sunbeam in Cathedral Square.
All of a sudden, as I was watching the giant Chessboard, I heard a Maori haka from the center of Cathedral Square. And like a moth to the flame, I ran over there to check it out. There was a small Maori youth group advertising their CD. I sat there and watched for a wee while, but then I got vechlempt.
(Wizard's Chess, Anyone?)
I love this country. I love the people. I love the culture. I love the accent. I love the humor. I'm gonna miss it so so much.
After getting fed up with being choked up, I decided to explore the Cathedral and take some artsy pics. I even climbed the bell tower to check out the view from this little nugget Cathedral. Well, the view was alright, not necessarily worth the $5 but still kinda cool to check out the port hills behind little Christchurch.
I had an amazing little quiet adventure by myself...But ugh, seriously, It's so bittersweet. Of course it's going to be, but I had such a fantastic trip, I don't want it to end.
What's going to happen when I get home? My life, friends, family, classes, etc all stayed behind while I was down under-er, is it all gonna be the same? What will my purpose be when I'm back in Beantown? Be in classes?
Well, I've learned so much here, but the most important thing I learned was to not worry so much. I'm always going to be an annoying little worry wart, but I wont let it really get to me. I had a lot of fun this trip and still managed to do alright in my classes. I literally climbed mountains and crossed bridges and forded rivers...I started learning a new language, experiencing at least 2 cultures at the same time, and maintained a good group of friends. I'd say I'm pretty pleased about this trip.
Now how can I say goodbye to the people that helped me grow so much.
Blake, my first kiwi friend, introduced me to goofy slang and didn't laugh too too much when I had a rock-lobster-esque sunburn.

Daniel, well, nectar, maggot, knackered, OTP, BANTAAAAAAAAAA, nuff said.

And Cody, rugby games, pak 'n sav parking lots with chicken, bread, and tui, epic kiwi breakfasts, infinitely improving my music selection, dinosaur nights, BOY, porridge and comfy plastic pillows.

I'm going to miss my kiwi family oh so much, and I know they "can't be f-ed" to read this, but, Thank you, boys, for helping me through my homesickness, teaching me about kiwis, and telling me that I'm sometimes ridiculous. I'll always have a special place in my heart for the boys of 6 Middleton Road.
So, I'm all choked up now and I really don't want to be sappy anymore, but I'll sign off with this...
Thank you to everyone I met on this amazing adventure. I've grown as a person, learned so much, loved everything about this country (even the sucky pizza), and I can't wait to come back.
I'm not saying goodbye, I'm saying as the Maori do, see you again.
Ka Kite Ano.
I love you, New Zealand!
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