Sorry everyone for not posting in umpteen years. I'm uber lame, I know. It's been crazy busy and then not-so busy, but I've just been reluctant to post. I usually feel inspiration to post when I have an epic picture-taking adventure.
So! What's new with me? ... Rain.
It's been raining for millennia now. Honestly, how can there still be water in the clouds? Don't they get tired? I'm sure sick of the weather. AND it doesn't help that all my lovebugs back home keep bragging about breaking out the jandals and throwing on sundresses and planting the garden. Grr. Here I am with perpetually soaking wet sockies and a constant chill up my spine because, oh right, NZ doesn't heat their houses. Awesome.
Rain rain go away
I have been doing some sweet as Kiwi things. Last week a whole bunch of us went to a Rugby match between the Canterbury Crusaders and the South Africa (?) Brumbies. Anyone, what the poop is a Brumbie?
It was an amazing game, really. Dickie, Blake, Cody and I got PRIME seating two rows behind the end zone (or Rugby equivalent) and we got to see so much carnage. It was absolutely awesome. First of all, the entrance to the Crusader's locker room was a Castle and right before the match started, there were these Knights/Crusaders on horseback who did a lap around the pitch. It was hilarious. Imagine trying to explain why the mascot of the Red Sox is Wally the Green Monster. Almost as bizarre as having a body of water as a mascot in high school, Lets go Spy Ponders!!...wait what?
Any time the Crusaders scored a try (touchdown) there were these HUGE flames that erupted all around the field. Dickie and I had a really good time with those. Ok, don't get me wrong, I love love love football. Mom always said that Football was like watching the Gladiators...but Rugby, jeez, that's truly barbaric and they're literally Gladiators. These giant men running full speed at each other without pads, without "face mask! unnecessary roughness!", and if they start bleeding, some medic guy will come out with a STAPLER and staple their face back together. Yuck? Yes. Awesome? Absolutely.
Whenever there's a throw-in thingy the team will hoist someone up in the air to catch the ball and the other team does the same. That was intense. Watching a 6'6'' dude lift another 6'6'' guy into the air while they're playing monkey in the middle with the other team. Jesus.
Super foggy.
More fog.
So yeah the rugby game was awesome. It felt soo good to be in a stadium. I love it! I can't wait to go to a Sox game!!!!
This past weekend was really mopey and annoying. Not only am I super homesick, but I have 2 papers to write this week due June 1st. In my head if I start to do things that are due in June it means that June is close, which means that I'm leaving soon. Which freaks me out. Have I done everything I want to do? When will I come back? Will people remember me here?
...I have to come back. There's no way to wrap my head around "never coming back..." So I HAVE to come back.
It's a bittersweet few weeks here. Oof, so conflicted.
Anyway! I had a really shitty week last week and I just needed to get out into the fresh air. Even if it was pouring, I needed to get out. I think someone heard my prayers because my sweet girl friends invited me on a picnic in the Port Hills of ChCh. The plan was to hike up to Castle Rock, have an adorable picnic and then leisurely walk down to Lyttleton and enjoy the cute little town. Luckily we had a beautiful sunny day. It was even kind of warm when we started walking. But, alas, once we got to the top it did, indeed, get windy and cloudy. Oh well! It was still nice to walk up there.
When we first started walking there was a stray sheepie who was bleeting for help. Kimbrey and I tried to corner it so it could jump over the fence but he wasn't too keen on getting close to us. Poor lil' dude. I hope he got over.
Anyway, we hiked up to Castle Rock and it only took us about 35 minutes tops. It was really nice, but all of us felt a tad out of shape. Kelsey and I realized that we hadn't been hiking since Nelson Lakes. Oh well. We sat and had a picnic and enjoyed some much-needed girl talk. Ah the healing powers of gossip :)
Lyttleton Harbor
Kia Ora, Pacific Ocean
Then we walked down Bridle Path to Lyttleton for a great cup of coffee at my Dad and my favorite coffee place in ChCh. Lyttleton Coffee Co!!! They have the best desserts for chocoholics :)
Thankfully it was a beautiful day for us until we all got back to our flats. Then it got kinda rainy.
Sunday I vowed to be productive and start writing my papers, but instead I...did laundry, went grocery shopping, painted my nails, took a shower, hung out with friends, watched 2 movies, and a season of The Office. Oh and wrote a vague outline of my JFK paper. Ooh, any insight? I have to write a paper on the conspiracy theory of the JFK Assassination. Blargh. Let you know how that goes :-\
Ok, that's enough for now. Feel caught up in the wonderful life of Kiwi Gracie?
...I need an adventure...none of this writing essays bologna.
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